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RMK Darmstadt


Siva Athreya:Graphon dynamics from population genetics; Maria Deijfen:Competing frogs on Z^d

Date: 22.01.2021

Time: 15:15–17:45 h

Zoom access to the talks:
Meeting-ID: 827 7869 9254
Code: 559655
15:15-16:15 Siva Athreya (Bengaluru) Title: Graphon dynamics from population genetics 
In this talk we shall discuss a natural class of dynamics in dense networks arising from resampling in multi-type populations. We
consider sequence of finite graphs whose dynamics are governed by the empirical type distribution of the whole population at that time
and in the large-population-size limit this dynamics converges to a random process in the space of graphons. This is joint work with Frank
den Hollander and Adrian Rollin.
16:15-16:45 virtual coffee break 
Access to the virtual coffee breaks:
We have two virtual rooms (each can host up to 25 people):
16:45-17:45 Mia Deijfen (Stockholm) Title: Competing frogs on Z^d
The so called frog model on Z^d is driven by moving particles on the sites of the Z^d -lattice. Each site is independently assigned a random
number of particles. At time 0, the particles at the origin are activated, while all other particles are sleeping. When a particle is
activated, it starts moving according to a simple random walk and, when a site is visited by an active particle, any sleeping particles at the
site are activated and start moving. I will describe a two-type version of the model, where an active particle can be of either of two types.
For this model, a natural question is whether the types can coexist in the sense that they both activate infinitely many particles. I will
describe existing results and open problems related to this.


Maria Deijfen, Stockholm University
Siva Athreya, Indian Statistical Institute, Bengaluru


Via Zoom




Technische Universität Darmstadt

Fachbereich Mathematik - Stochastik
Schlossgartenstraße 7
64289 Darmstadt
Telefon: +49 6151 16-23380
Telefax: +49 6151 16-23381

Organizing partners

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Hinweise zum RMK Stochastik per zoom:
Zoom access to the talks:

Meeting-ID: 827 7869 9254
Code: 559655

Access to the virtual coffee breaks:
We have two virtual rooms (each can host up to 25 people):

Just open one of the websites with your browser (no mobile support!). You
need to type in your name (just that other people can identify you). The
required password in both rooms is


Then you appear as a small figure in a landscape. You can move around in
that landscape with your curser keys. The other people who are logged in
are also represented by small figures in the landscape. By moving around
yourself, you can get close to other people. When you are close to
someone, the small video of that person will pop up and you can see and
talk to that person. Once you move away, the video will close. In this
way, you can walk around talking to different people, as you would do in a
coffee break.

Let me stress that we did not put any coffee and neither did we hide any
cookies anywhere in the landscape though.

Maybe you can log in and try the tool before the colloquium, as this makes
it quicker for you to join during the coffee break. This tool is
marked "beta", so please don't expect the (video) quality of zoom or

Note that you have to switch off your camera/audio in zoom when working
with the coffee break tool (e.g. you can log off from zoom during the
coffee break).

The tool is available 24/7, feel free to use it also before and after the
For this event, no registration is necessary. PDF- Link